Original Stories

The Character’s Strike (Back): Part 5

Rachel stopped writing to take a sip of her coffee. As she sipped she grimaced and stared down at the cup in her hand. It was cold? How long ago had she made this that it was already stone cold? How long had she been writing for? She found the key in her pocket and opened up the bottom draw of her desk, pulling out her phone and turning it on. It came to life and beeped at her with all her missed messages—the very reason she always locked it away when trying to write. She put checking them to one side and looked at the time. 2am? She’d been writing for over four hours? Well, no wonder her coffee was so cold.

Original Stories

The Character’s Strike (Back): Part 4

Rachel waited in front of the museum bathroom for her daughter, Lucy, to come out. She yawned, throwing her hand to her face so quickly she accidentally hit herself in the mouth, causing throbbing pain to shoot through her jaw. Leaning against the wall behind her, she closed her eyes and let the pain subside.

TV/Film Reviews

I Feel Sorry For the Writers of Disney’s ‘Wish’: A Review (With Spoilers)

            Okay, finally, I’m here. I’m going to talk about the writing. I think this writing, rather than being horrible or the worst thing ever written by a human being, is a classic case of ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’. When I finished the film and the credits scrolled by I wasn’t surprised to learn that there had been four writers behind it. Because, unlike other people who read it as AI, I read it completely as a film written by many different writers—each with their own ideas, each with their own wants and needs and each getting carried away with their ideas even if they clashed with each other.